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pastor paul kim & dr. rebekah kim


Pastor Paul Kim and his wife, Dr. Rebekah Kim, founded Berkland Baptist Church in Berkeley, California in 1981. Since then they’ve dedicated their lives to planting churches and raising leaders by sharing the transforming love of Christ. Pastor Paul is a leader in the Southern Baptist Convention, having served as a trustee of the International Mission Board, president of the New England Baptist Convention, and Asian-American Relations Consultant to the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee. A veteran of the U.S. Army, since 2020 he has been serving as the National Chaplain for the Korean War Veterans Association. He studied at the University of Hawaii (Hilo) and earned his M.Div. and M.R.E from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and his D.Min. from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary (Gateway). Pastor Paul continues to serve as Pastor Emeritus at Antioch.

Dr. Rebekah Kim studied at Seoul National University and has an M.Div from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary (Gateway) and a D.Min from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. For over twenty years she has served as a Southern Baptist Chaplain at Harvard University. 


We are a church that waits for the return of Christ with a “pilgrim” identity and “Maranatha!” vision. We strive to obey Jesus’ Great Commisson to bring the Gospel to the ends of the earth. And as much as we have been loved, we seek to love God and love one another. 

© 2024 Antioch Baptist Church | Boston, Massachusetts

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